Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yesterday I was just SO tired and totally on "E". Normally I like quiet in those times, but quiet couldn't be found, so I decided to just listen to music with headphones, and pull the covers over my head. I should really do that more often when I feel myself getting way too drained. Hubs is more than happy to watch or play with the kids for a few minutes, but I'm a self-made martyr.

I knew I had to listen to Kim Walker because I needed to just be with God for a little while and she has such purity in her worship. I need this when the world seems too be reminded that what is seen is temporary, and the unseen is more real and lasting than any feeling, situation, or problem.

I share this because I know some of my readers feel exactly the same way.

The people in this video look so different from each other, and no doubt have completely unique backgrounds and struggles. But they all know where to go. No addiction can satisfy it, no philosophy can contain it.

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