Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thankful for it all - even the rowdy.

Today my daughter is playing her new Sims game that she earned for saving part of last year's allowance. But last night at this time, her throat was clogged with an ice cube. She couldn't swallow it and she couldn't breathe. I've taken first aid for adults and infants, so I knew what to listen for. The ice cube was definitely stuck, but she could pass through a tiny bit of air - I heard her throat clicking as she desperately tried to push it either in or out.

Since I always without thinking much about it, whack the crap out of someone's back when they are seriously choking (unfortunately, I've done this before), I gave her back a few quick whacks while I yelled desperately for God to help. Within the next few seconds the ice cube was pushed up out of her throat enough for her to swallow it. She was terrified!!

I am so glad that I didn't have to do the Heimlich!!!!

Last night we all slept in our bedroom and all went to sleep at the same time. She wanted to sleep by Mommy. I think Mommy wanted to sleep by her, too.

The night ended in comic relief when Daddy would NOT quit "riling" everyone up. He was sneaking out of the bed and startling kids, staring at DS with a creepy grin and making him laugh, and playing with the toddler. Soon after I expressed my disdain, he decided that he was 'getting groggy' and immediately fell asleep, snoring and all. Meanwhile, I'm laying next to a rowdy toddler, and two awake kids in the same room. After several minutes of winding down, everyone was all safe and sound and sleeping. But not after a few (much gentler) whacks to Daddy's arm for snoring.

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