Monday, February 28, 2011

Reflections of a Changed Heart

This quote was in my feed today on fb from the singer, Misty Edwards:
The fear of the Lord & the love of the Lord can't be separated. Only when we see Jesus in His majesty can we begin to understand His mercy. Without being awestruck, His desire for us doesn't move us, but when we catch a glimpse of His transcendence, knowing He wants us to draw near causes our hearts to tremble in holy love. We must grow in the fear of the Lord if we have any hope of growing in love for Him.

I was kind of already thinking along the lines of my own personal faith and how it has changed this past week. Then, an acquaintance that I know posted Psalm 27 as a favorite quote. That brought me back to my childhood because I literally read that entire chapter as well as Proverbs 3 every single night. 

I always wonder why I did that. The simple answer is, I was drawn to it because I needed that knowledge of who God is in my life during that particular time in my life. Because of life's circumstances and our understanding (or lack thereof), the revelation of who God is develops in time as we grow. 

The amount of Hebrew names for God in the bible can prove that God shows himself in different ways. To Abraham we was Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord Will Provide. David knew God's protection and guidance in his own terms of a shepherd. He called the Lord, Jehovah raah - The Lord is my Shepherd. 

I always knew God as Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord is There. I knew that the Lord was there. I looked at  the harmony, the miraculous, the awe and mystery of it all and knew He was there. But still, I did not know what God required, what the purpose of life was, and I didn't yet understand or begin to grasp his love. 

When I just had one child, and was coming to understand God and really making a decision that I wanted to follow him and not my own ways, I would spend a very long time each day - usually up to two hours - reading the bible, praying, and usually ending it all in tears - all while she napped. I didn't want to hear anyone else's teachings, didn't want to listen to music - I only wanted to quiet myself in front of the God who not only knew my heart, but knew what was missing, what it longed for, and what good could be made out of it. It was never about me changing myself (impossible, really) or doing anything to earn it; that price was already paid for me. Only a heart in awe. 


  1. I get addicted to teachings sometimes. It comes in waves. I listen and devour everything I hear. After a while I realize, 'Uhhhh, so, how is this changing me?" It is definitely great to gain Godly, biblical knowledge, but its only in those times we quiet ourselves, as you said here, that we really are changed. You put it so beautifully..." I only wanted to quiet myself in front of the God who not only knew my heart, but knew what was missing, what it longed for, and what good could be made out of it." This one line hit me like a ton of bricks and reminded me that God knows just what I need while I run around crazy, trying to figure out why I feel so lost! Thanks Emily....

  2. Thank you!! I get amnesia at how I get my peace many times. I love me some good teaching, but there's nothing like just waiting on God and sitting still for while.
