Saturday, February 26, 2011

Well, here's my wonderful find. A diamond in the rough of out-of-date, overpriced, and mostly too small, classified listings.


Even though we've had this table for over a week, tonight was the first night we actually all ate together. The husband gets home way passed the point of comfort for me waiting (what with pesky gagging morning sickness and all).

I was proud of myself that I actually made dinner today. Josh said he would go get us burgers, but I always have a thing for eating out. I hate it. I think I'm the only one I know that hates it. Odd as a cod, I am. It's like, nearly thirty dollars for us to get fast food. Do it once, and it really becomes a habit. Do it once a week, and that's over one hundred dollars a month - Yikes, 1440 a year. Wow, Better things for that money to go to!!

I do like going out to dinner with friends once in awhile, though. A tab for me is much easier to take. And the kids missing out on trans fat..well, not really missing out, I guess.

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