Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things I love lately

So this is pretty funny, ever since I wrote that blog a bit ago on how we hardly ever eat fast food - I've eaten fast food about three times. That's probably more than I ate for the entire previous six months. I can only imagine that the reason is because I'm so very tired and unmotivated some days, and that I probably need the extra fat and protein. I never feel gross after I eat out, but my poor family isn't so lucky :/

Maybe I should just sneak out when they are all at school/work. Seriously, I have the greatest energy and feelings after finishing off a huge hamburger with all the fixings. So delicious for my pregnant belly...

So, tee hee...I'm a hypocrite after my previous rantings against it!


Oh, my!! Seriously awesome writing on this series. It's the third and last book in her "Mark of the Lion" series. Many of her other books have similar themes, but this series in particular is very powerful because it deals with insurmountable odds and challenges and what faith looks like when it meets them. This book really is speaking to my heart about what it looks like to "bear with one another". Especially those who are opposed to faith in Jesus Christ. The book is set in Ephesus in the beginning and then moves onto "Germania" towards the end. It deals heavily with the cultural philosophies that parallel in our culture today. It really is amazing the similarities. Being historical fiction, she does attempt to re-create an accurate view of what life was like in 60 AD. Rome was in the height of its conquest and all three books follow what life was like for a Hebrew slave and also, Atretes, a German turned gladiator. If you read the first book, you'll primarily follow Haddasah and her amazing story of humility in the face of suffering at the hands of those who owned her. We're introduced to Atretes and he briefly encounters Haddasah because his lover is the girl who Haddash was assigned to serve in the family. He is introduced to a peace he could not explain on her face despite her facing death. He faces death everyday in the arena, but eventually earns his freedom. Julia, his lover, was a character study in and of herself, and it's painful watching her life unfold as she continually chooses hatred and selfishness. Eventually, they have a baby and neither of them want him. Julia orders the son to be "exposed on the rocks" and left to die. But Haddasah secretly takes the baby to the apostle John and he finds a young widow who takes the baby in, Rizpah.

The second book kind of leaves the story with Atretes hanging, and you follow Haddasah and her relationship with the other main characters in the family she serves. Really amazing story, but I can't give anything away!

This third book deals with Atretes only. He decides that he does want his son (he does not know that Julia had ordered the baby to die). He finds his son with Haddasah's help, and despite himself he has to keep Rizpah around as well because she is nursing the baby. Of course their relationship develops, but he is an angry, abusive person who continually degrades Rizpah for her faith. Her response is so biblically sound and it is a great encouragement.

If I could describe Francine Rivers, it would be biblically sound and spirit-led. Every book gives me goose-bumps. Not all of her books are historical fiction...most deal in the modern day...but the Mark of the Lion series is definitely worth the read and is typically in libraries.


The last thing that I'm going to mention that I love are my friends that I'm making. Other mommies with kids and struggles just like mine - not afraid to admit they struggle. Sometimes I hear groups of mommies with the stereotypical "I've got life under control power voice". I'm totally a reader of people, and I can sense these mommies a mile away and keep myself that far from them. Bragging, being sarcastic to their kids, being all snarky with their, "Sex and the City" humor. BLEH!!! I really do have some compassion for them, but I'm never in the emotional or mental state to deal with it. Totally can't do it. When you take the world's system of worth out of the equation and replace it with genuine people who have a heart for the world around them, open their hearts to the needy around them, and have love for others. Ahhh, that's a breath of fresh air. Kind eyes and kind's been awhile!!!


  1. Francine Rivers is one of my favorites! Mark of the Lion series is timeless. I've read it and listened to it on audiobook more than once!

    Miss you and hope you're well!

  2. I just finished it...that was pretty intense and so good! I accidentally gave that last book to Goodwill when we moved here so it's been awhile and I've been waiting to finish that series.

    Miss you, too!
