Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Paradox of Random Tandem

We are one month into homeschooling, which I am recording over at Roots and Wings Academy blog. We are having fun times. I am amazed that so many people think they can't do it. I think people imagine the worst. I can't imagine not having a structured environment for the kids and still staying sane. We are so much happier this summer and the kids are so much calmer and focused when they all have limits on media, time set aside to be creative, learn and practice math, read tons of books, do SOME writing and workbook activities, start a garden observation journal, social studies, etc...it sounds like a lot but really they have so much free time still. Plenty to throw some chores in there and always help keep tabs on their little sister.

I think things will change, but right now it hardly even seems like *they need me much, they are just so independent. We have little conversations here and there...I'll give my little lectures through the day that my daughter calls "theories". "Here goes mom on one of her theories again..." It's pretty funny. But learning just naturally takes place all through the day. The whole paradigm shifts and then all of the sudden everything else falls into place with attitude, no more weird energy or boredom -- all that just sets us up for trouble.

As far as my summer class -  school is easy peasy. I love this professor and I already have Race and Ethnicity in America all lined up for the fall with him. He is one of the most organized professors and promptly grades and gives feedback. He reminds me of my ultimate all time favorite professor who teaches English and Lit - he is an amazing person and he's partly why I'm a writer today. That and my humanities teacher who kept hounding me to pursue writing and asking me about my plans. 

Speaking of work, I think I've landed a huge freelancing job that is going to equate to hundreds of articles for an insurance company (which frees me up from searching and bidding for work)...I'm not totally convinced I am capable of writing for this industry but we are doing the welcome page and we did a PR. If it doesn't pan out I won't be heartbroken, but I'm hoping it's doable!! It's fun getting my nerd on! Not so fun trying to revise an important part and having TOTAL CHAOS in the house at night but that is an environmental given, I suppose. I'm thinking I need to have like a margarita mix handy at night or something. For real.

Baby É is crawling!! All over the house finally. We've been in a rush to keep things cleaned and vacuumed which is not a small feat. She is such a little joy!

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