Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekend Part One

Ok, I'm really not that much better at keeping up with my new Blogger home than I was with my Livejournal. I need to get back into a regular schedule. The point of this for me is not to's purely selfish. I want to remember this stuff! And if I can make someone laugh or encourage other parents along the way - great!

This weekend was so great. We didn't go anywhere or have any plans, but it was still so great. As my older two get older I miss the times we had where we were just being goofy or having fun. Yesterday I stopped what I was doing and forgot about the huge kitchen mess I had from breakfast and lunch. I participated in what I call, their "Jumpathon". They ran from the bathroom at the other end of the house, down the hall and jumped as high as they could in my room. The little toddler tried to participate too, he hopped on both feet and laughed and said in his little toddler voice, "whoa!" They were so impressed when I joined in and we all ran and laughed to the other end of the house to start a new high jump round.

Then at night, DS2 was wanting to go on his second outing for the day (he needs at least two). He's extremely outdoorsy. Regardless of what I have going on or what I think is important, he makes it a priority to go outside! Fast forward twenty minutes later after we've gone around the track once and you would have seen this in our little slice of life, DD1 and DS1 chanting, "Mommy's a black nin-ja, yo,yo! Mommy's a black nin-ja yo, yo!"

As I was pushing DS2 in his stroller, I decided it would be fun to hunch down really low like a cyclist and see how much the jogging stroller would give me momentum as I ran as fast as I could. With my black hoodie covering my face, they thought I looked like a black ninja in the darkness. It was a very funny moment, and it was a welcomed break from making sure their homework is ship shape, rooms are clean, teeth are brushed and messes are cleaned up. I really love those moments when laughter puts joy in my heart in place of life's worries and jobs.

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