Friday, September 3, 2010

Going "Home" for a visit

The kids are ridiculously excited about going home for a visit. They get to see Great-Grandma, their Grandpa's and two Uncles. Fun stuff!!

As DS1 so emotionally said the other day, "It just doesn't feel right that all of our family lives in Illinois and we don't!"

Cute and sad!!! Poor buddy. We really have been all over the map since getting married. Whether it was military service and now this job move/promotion, the kids have had to say goodbye to their family all the time. Obviously, we need to do what's best, or in our case, it seems like the only viable option for our family to take a job that pays the bills. Duh!! But it's still hard. I really feel "rootless" with family and friends alike.

Hopefully we'll make some friends we both like to hang out with in this lovely neighborhood. I really love this neighborhood!! The picture of DS2 inching towards the geese was literally across the street from my house. Walking trails, tracks, parks...all withing thirty seconds of my house. It's a dream. Such a blessing. We just wish we could enjoy it with people we love. So...people we love....come visit!!! Come on. Well, let me fix the fourth bedroom into something at the beginning of next year and then come. Right now our "spare bedroom/office" is a box-filled, disorganized super mess.

For now, I guess we're content with making the trip home. However, on a side note, there are several people who are what I would consider above acquaintances that I would like to see, but time just doesn't allow. Me no likey!! Next visit I should try squeezing another few visits in and see how exhausted I can get. That would be a good exhausted.

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