Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekend Part Two

Ummm...look at what I found growing at the side of our house. DH found it in his mushroom handbook; it's called a "Stink Horn" and it is edible. But the consensus is that we've found is that, "who would want to?" You can smell it from feet away and it smells like...well, er...mushroom protein.

It was a very beautiful day today. DS2 insisted we stay outside after I tried to get a picture of something very very special in our backyard but I wasn't fast enough. DH spotted them, which made it even more special since he has always talked about how rare they are and how glad he would be to see the species increase. Beautiful bluebirds!! And it was more than one. As we were bluebird watching we also were said, "Hello," to by some house finches. At our old place in IL we always kept our finches fed and I watched them out of my kitchen window. They make us happy. There is a tree with little red berries as well as something on the ground that the little bluebirds were drawn to and our neighbor's feeders as well. They were just so cute. I need to get some feeders up before winter.

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