Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Stuff

I am about thirty weeks along - into my third trimester already!! The second trimester flew by and now I'm once again conscious of my pregnancy, though I still abhor the feelings in that first trimester more than the uncomfortableness of the last.

Obligatory heart over stomach pic
I think I'm pretty comfortable with the group of midwives that I am in with, even though it is such a high pool, I won't really meet the one who will be there when it's time. This is similar to what I experienced in my Europe birth, so that's really fine. They don't stick with you the whole time, and it was suggested that I get a doula. I'm really totally fine without a doula, and value my space and privacy and I also know that I have a pretty awesome partner with my husband there.


We've only got a month of summer left, weird! The kids have made about a million videos of themselves on the PC. Like weird videos that only they think are funny. Oh, to be a kid again!! I remember doing that kind of stuff as a kid and thinking I was so hilarious.

Because I really don't feel all that great, and I just found out I am a bit low on the iron side, I really, really don't feel like doing anything. I have to 'gear myself up' to do just about anything most days, unless I am really having a good day. If I had my druthers the kids would be doing cool lapbooks and lots of other activities, but I really just am lacking motivation and energy. I have to tell myself that I think they will survive. They are using their imaginations for much of the day, and I am keeping the media within limits. We get outside and let our wiggles out when the weather is bearable, which for the past ten days, really has not. But this morning it was nice and cool so we did enjoy a trip to the park.


Today DS2 was "nibbling" on my arm. It was actually a bite and it hurt. I said, "Owie, you bit meee!" In my best "Charlie's big brother" voice. Never in a million years would I think he would get my joke. He saw the video with the older two several weeks back, yet he actually caught that I was doing an impression of the big brother being bitten! As soon as I said it, he threw his head back and laughed and said, "Not Charlieeee, hahaha!"

So. Funny.

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