Saturday, May 7, 2011

Plant a Treeeeee for your tomorrrowwww....

 Please imagine me singing this in the cheesiest Jon Denver voice you can. Because that's what my family had to listen to several times yesterday afternoon after I watched them re-plant saplings that they found growing near the house. Watching this made me really happy, because it's adorable! Yesterday we finally decided it was time to take control of our yard. This is the first spring we've experienced in our own home, and we have no plan or idea of what we are doing! This house, unlike our duplex, has plenty of areas that are meant for planting, and you really can't neglect it at all or it will be totally overgrown with weeds. Really crazy, woody weeds that, if left unchecked, will be that much harder to pull. So, we went to the store and bought lots of things to help us weed and plant. Including one hanging planter plant and a packet of seeds, which I plan on planting with the kids tomorrow for Mother's Day. But yesterday, the boys weeded and re-planted three trees.

Today, the kids and I went on the deck so the little guy could get some fresh air and get some exercise before nap-time. As they were playing around, they moved one of our resin chairs towards the air conditioner, which is also nearby an area that always grows mushrooms and has plants that I can't figure out what they are. I was surveying the area when I looked down and realized that there are eyes staring up at me!! I thought it was dead for a second and then realized, no way...she's laying on her nest! She nested right by the deck, between the air conditioner and the house. She blends in perfectly with the soil, and went perfectly unnoticed yesterday by the  guys weeding!

Isn't she precious?!?!

And she is such a good Mommy, staying perfectly still and quiet, despite the fact that she is most likely terrified. She's probably been there for awhile. A couple weeks ago, I noticed we had a "duck couple" walking towards the back of our yard. For the next few days, I would hear quacking, but didn't see the ducks. They were probably arguing if this was or was not a good place to nest. So cute! I hope to be able to see her little ducklings, and I like to think that, maybe, she's not terrified of us, as we go outside nearly everyday. She must be a little used to us now.


  1. Oh, and I also saw about ten mallards this week all hanging out at the park where it had flooded. Are they all chillin' like villains while their wives sit over the nest? Likely story!!

  2. Oh my! I love the duck!

  3. Awww! I love ducks! And the pictures are great, we should all plant more trees more often!!

  4. Marlee, thanks for visiting - I really like your blog! Honest life, we need more of that!!
