Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Almost done with the semester!! This semester was easy-peasy!! So easy-peasy! I think my month in WGU showed me what turn-your-hair-white-early kind of stress and overburden felt like. I mean, who can do that with no family around, no babysitters, and a toddler who gets into everything? I'm sure *someone* can, but it isn't me!! I mean, I was getting it done - not without tears, however. Anyway - yeah - this semester was easy.

I really love my professor. I've had him for two online classes, so I've never technically met him. However he is the best at being engaged with his students and actually teaching. I was totally motivated simply because I knew he was going to read, appreciate, and give me real feedback on all of my work. Because of his feedback on my poetry section, which honestly I was SO surprised about, I am going to start writing poems again, perhaps!! I don't want to put them all up here, but here is the first one:

Directed Birth
By EK Green (my pen name for blogger purposes)

You came out blue and barely breathing.
“Push, Push, Push,” they cried.
That’s all I was waiting to do.
Before it was, “Wait, wait, wait,” 
“Dr. is on his way; anytime now!”
Wondering why any
Of the six attendants couldn’t just catch you. 
Was it for his paycheck –this agonizing wait? .
He comes in the door, full of commands.
She whispers, “Show him how a lady
Gives birth without an Epidural.”
“Push! Push! Push!  Push! Push,”
But you are here; you are okay,
Next time, I choose to have Birth my own way.

His comments were $$ signs when I asked "why can't one of the six attendants catch you" and "Yep" on the line about the paycheck...HA HA!!! Then his comment at the end of this poem was, "I love it!"

There is something very lonely about poems that not one reads. My husband read through my "duct tape book of poetry" that I wrote as a teenager and I think he was surprised and a little sad for me, lol. Very angst-y and it was the last time I've really ever written a collection, really.

Sometimes I think I'm meant to be alone...lonely writer?? I think I am misunderstood in certain ways, or disagreed this just feels good to my soul to have someone encourage me so, here is what he said at the end:

"You've obviously written a poem or two before! If not, you should start, because you have a lot of talent. I love how the poems chart a power struggle between mother and “professional.” You do a fantastic job of creating a central image, and the poems all employ a fabulous rhythm and sense of language. In particular, the poems use repetition to great effect. The use of space also works very well. The sequence itself shows a marvelous interconnectedness."

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