Sunday, November 14, 2010

The birthdays went well - it was great spending a warm and cozy day inside as the first day of dreary gray fall finally appeared outside. They didn't drown in presents and I really like that we've learned that less is more; it really is a great lesson to learn. The cakes were well received, except for the fact that the toddler didn't even have a bite - that's right!! Something about the frosting or the cake put him off.

After licking the candle he was pretty much done. He had just eaten roast, taters, and veggies, so that most likely was the reason yesterday. Today, I again offered him a piece after lunch and he really still didn't want it - so next year I'll try again or maybe do something else creative if it turns out he really doesn't do cake.

Today we once again have a beautiful fall day. Really, I have never experienced so many warm and sunny days - which is great for my mood. Between taking the Phys Ed class this Fall and the nice weather, I've (mostly involuntarily) gone outside to walk/jog for 15-20 minutes a few times every week. I've discovered that getting exercise (much to my chagrin) does make me feel like any anxiety or stress I've accumulated just dissipates. Outside time with the toddler in the jogging stroller is also a great way to get some moments of un-interrupted time to think, listen to music and talk to God. I'm actually less snappy, grumpy, and I am experiencing less days in which I feel 'down'. So, ways to act like a mature adult!!

Speaking of adulthood, it really is sometimes a funny thing when two people who are married and now thirty, don't yet know what they want to be "when they grow up". It's possible that when this is all through my husband will have more education, but may make less....can you guess what he wants to do?!? I bet you can.

I was really infatuated with the idea of going to Oregon State (they have a hybrid distance program) for a BS in Natural Resources. After crunching time and money figures - and realizing the reality of DH definitely continuing school, and also realizing that I have two elementary school kids and one toddler and that I cook meals, keep house, and have enough on my plate already - I need to wait on it. I also have other things that I can see myself doing, so it's a matter of just being content where I am now and trusting God that I will have the strength and direction I need when it's time. Waiting is just apart of it.

PS - Here's a weird regal-looking bug DS2 found outside the other day. We stared at him for awhile and realized it was a "she" and she was dropping eggs on the tree. Unrelated, but interesting, no?


  1. Yay for blogging! :) None of my girls like cake! I tried one for Sofi for her 1st bday and she wasn't a fan so we'll stick to ice cream sundaes and donut towers like we've done the past few years with the big girls.

    I am 31 and still don't know what I want to be "when I grow up" but I have also looking into a Natural Resources program (at an Arizona university..can't remember which one) and or Foresty and Wildlife. I think I would love to be a Park Ranger! :)

  2. Well, cake is really rich, so I can understand that...I like the idea of ice cream! That's funny that you're interested, too. The two people we know w/ a forestry degree have not/or never been employed so it kind of is discouraging. I would be interested in the policy/clean up/human element side...but mostly I'd love to just hang out outside, I bet that's similar for you, too! Who knows, maybe we'll both be park rangers someday :)
